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Event Calendar

Gardens As Habitat: Planting to Attract and Sustain Wildlife

Friday, June 10, 2022
2:00 pm3:30 pm
1271 Hanover Street
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598

Planting design is a great way to make your home a boon for wildlife. Join Hilltop Hanover Farm and Bedford Audubon Society for a workshop on creating gardens that enhance, rather than supplant, habitat. Learn things to look for, as well as things to avoid, with an emphasis on providing food and shelter year-round to make your home a space that supports the natural community around us. After the presentation, we’ll be going out into the fields of Hilltop Hanover to see and learn firsthand about some plants to enhance your habitat at home. Our Farm Stand will be open after the class to browse plants and veggies!

Mathew McDowell is Garden Director for Bedford Audubon Society. A horticulturist, he specializes primarily in regional native plants, invasive species management, and designing planted spaces attractive to humans and wildlife. He is also a Wildflower Island tour guide at Teatown Lake Reservation.

Hilltop Hanover Farm and Environmental Center