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Event Calendar

Community Work Day: Squash Harvest

Saturday, September 10, 2022
9:00 am12:00 pm
1271 Hanover St, Yorktown Heights, NY

Community Work Days at Hilltop Hanover are all about sharing work and conversation, making the tasks and hours fly by.

The seasons are changing, and it is time for the first major winter squash harvest: late-growing, and with a long shelf life due to their hard rinds, these varieties of squash are usually less symmetrical or odd-shaped, with rough or warty skin. Butternut and delicata have become staples of fall dishes, but every variety has something special to offer!

Volunteers of all ages are welcome to join the first major winter squash harvest alongside our farmers. Learn how to identify a ripe squash and how to properly store it. Share your favorite soups and roasted recipes, and go home with a new squash to sample at home.

Stay for the whole morning, or drop in before or after our other events of the day: just remember to register in advance so we know to expect you!

Hilltop Hanover Farm and Environmental Center