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Event Calendar

Community Work Day: Field Clean Up

Saturday, October 21, 2023
9:00 am12:00 pm
Hilltop Hanover Farm, 1271 Hanover Street, Yorktown Heights

Community Work Days at Hilltop Hanover are all about sharing work and conversation, making the tasks and hours fly by.

Many hands make lighter work, and there's a lot to be done as we ready the fields for the winter season. Be prepared to get dirty rain or shine as we work together to remove infrastructure and spent plants from the growing fields, and tidy the space up for covercrops, rest, and revitalization over the next few months.

This activity will involve bending, kneeling, and lifting. All ages and abilities are welcome. Stay for as long or as little as you would like. Registration is not required, but it is helpful to know to expect you.
*If your plans change and you can no longer make this session, kindly send an email to update us.*

Hilltop Hanover Farm and Environmental Center