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Event Calendar

Harvesting Hilltop's Farm-Grown Native Seed

Saturday, October 28, 2023
10:00 am12:00 pm
Hilltop Hanover Farm, 1271 Hanover Street, Yorktown Heights

Join our Native Plants team as we harvest native seeds and learn about Hilltop Hanover's living seed bank and native plant conservation nursery.

Attend this two hour participatory program to learn about "local ecotypes", tour our seed plots, and help us harvest seeds from plots grown on the farm.

Hilltop's Native Plant Program Manager, Emily Rauch, will explain how our farm-based native plant program is designed to conserve native flora specifically adapted to our ecoregion, contribute to national native seed increase efforts, and help build biodiversity in Westchester County.

We will start with a brief PowerPoint describing ecotypes, seed morphology, seed maturity, and seed storage. Next we’ll head out to the field to harvest the seed. We’ll also discuss what species we have growing in each plot, and the steps required to grow a genetically diverse seed plot. Farm-grown native plants from our conservation nursery will be available for sale at the farm stand following the program.

This class was designed for adult education. We defer to your judgement about the interest level and maturity of your child. Kids 12 and under must be accompanied by a participating adult.

FREE. Registration Required. Registration closes on Friday, Oct 27, at 4pm.
Rain Date: Sunday, Oct. 29

Hilltop Hanover Farm and Environmental Center