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Fall Native Plant Sale


Looking to incorporate more native plants into your yard? Stop by the farm on Saturday, September 14 from 10am to 4pm to purchase our farm-grown native plants and other locally sourced native plants from our partner growers. Plants will be available in pre-mixed trays based on habitat, individually in 3" pots, and in species specific plug-bundles of 5.

Our pre-mixed trays make it easy for new gardeners to incorporate native plants into the home landscape!

About the Native Plant Program...

The Native Plant Program at Hilltop Hanover Farm is a farm-based initiative focused on strengthening and expanding local biodiversity by increasing the number of ecotype plants available in the community. Our native plant nursery specializes in seed-propagated, local ecotype species, native to our region. Starting with quality seed, grown here at the farm, and by using all organic practices, we produce healthy seedlings that foster biodiversity.

Why Plant Native Plants?

Westchester lands, including forests, wetlands, meadows on both public and private spaces, are under threat. Depleted soil, new plant diseases and invasive species are taking a tremendous toll—as are the combined pressures of climate change, pollution and development. Preserving and expanding areas where native plants are grown is a powerful way to combat these overarching environmental threats, while also supporting animal and insect populations that are essential to a healthy ecosystem. Highly biodiverse ecosystems are more resilient and adaptable; they improve the soil, prevent erosion, protect against flooding, lower temperatures at the ground, and clean the air.


  • $3 - Individual 3" Pots
  • $15 - Species Specific Bundles (5 plugs)
  • $125 - Pre-mixed Habitat Trays (50 plugs)

Available Pre-Mixed Trays*

*Additional species will be available in individual 3" pots

SUN / MEDIUM - Dry (salt and deer tolerant)

Monarch Mix Hummingbird Moth Mix Dry Mailbox Mix
Grasses Schizachyrium scoparium Schizachyrium scoparium Schizachyrium scoparium

Sorghastrum nutans Andropogon gerardii Danthonia spicata OR Rudbeckia hirta

Eragrostis spectabilis Tridens flavus Eragrostis spectabilis

Wildflowers Achillea millefolium Monarda fistulosa Achillea millefolium

Asclepias tuberosa Penstemon digitalis Asclepias tuberosa

Penstemon digitalis Rudbeckia hirta Pycnanthemum tenuifolium

Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Solidago speciosa Solidago sempervirens

Solidago speciosa Symphyotrichum laeve Symphyotrichum laeve


SUN / MEDIUM - WET (deer tolerant)

Verbena Bee Mix Hummingbird Mix Wet Mailbox Mix
Grasses/Sedges Panicm virgatum Panicum virgatum Carex stipata

Carex stipata Carex stipata Carex lurida OR Carex lupulina OR Carex crinita

Scirpus hattorianus Scirpus cyperinus Carex vulpinodea

Wildflowers Asclepias incarnata Asclepias incarnata Asclepias incarnata

Lobelia siphilitica Doellingeria umbellata Iris versicolor

Monarda fistulosa Euthamia graminifolia Euthamia graminifolia

Pycnanthemum virginianum Lobelia cardinalis Lobelia siphilitica

Verbena hastata Pycnanthemum muticum Mimulus ringens

Zizia aurea Zizia aurea Packera aurea

Pycnanthemum virginianum

*Please note that we will not be taking any pre-orders for this plant sale*

Hilltop Hanover Farm and Environmental Center