YSBA Holiday Celebration "Meet & Greet"
Please join us at the historic Hilltop Hanover Farm on December 13 between the hours of 6PM and 9PM for a Meet and Greet and holiday gathering. Local businesses will be providing food and refreshments. Local, County and State elected officials will be on hand to Meet and Greet you as well as members of the Friends of Hilltop Hanover Farm Board and staff. Supervisor Elect Lanny Gilbert, Councilman Ed Lachterman, Highway Superintendent Dave Paganelli, Councilman Vishnu Patel, Town Clerk Diana Quast and Councilwomen Elect Alice Roker have confirmed their attendance.
Space is limited, and you must RSVP to Bob Giordano rgiord19@optonline.net (914-874-4347) to attend. All are welcome. A $10.00 donation at the door is suggested to support the Friends of Hilltop Hanover Farm’s agricultural and environmental education programs for school age children.