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Event Calendar

Hilltop Hanover Farm Bird Walk

Saturday, September 4, 2021
8:00 am9:00 am

Join Hilltop Hanover Farm’s Native Plant Propagator, Emily Rauch, Bedford Audubon Garden Director, Mathew McDowell, and Bedford Audubon Society Board Member, Steve Ricker, for a bird walk at Hilltop Hanover Farm. Venture out into the field where we might observe wild birds feeding from 3 different varieties of common sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and many other native perennials. We’ll cover the importance of plants as natural bird feeders, as well as the other ecosystem benefits they provide.

Everyone who joins the bird walk is invited to stay and join our community harvest of the sunflower heads at 9:30.

The number of participants will be limited, registration is required.

Hilltop Hanover Farm and Environmental Center